ammer Kıdemli Üye 4 Ocak 2016 #1 hello dears in the soil layers window,how can we calculate or obtain the bedding coef. ks and vertical spring factor kv ? thanks
hello dears in the soil layers window,how can we calculate or obtain the bedding coef. ks and vertical spring factor kv ? thanks
Hakan Şahin Administrator 5 Ocak 2016 #2 ammer":1r20u7ik' Alıntı: hello dears in the soil layers window,how can we calculate or obtain the bedding coef. ks and vertical spring factor kv ? thanks Genişletmek için tıkla ... Hello ammer Soil layers should be given to program for pile's analysis. Ks is depend on soil type, kv is given by some equations See about them on enclosed document, on page 6, figure 7B and following on pages 7, 8 ve 9. Ekli dosyalar piles21-bf-7silva.pdf piles21-bf-7silva.pdf 499.8 KB · Görüntüleme: 417
ammer":1r20u7ik' Alıntı: hello dears in the soil layers window,how can we calculate or obtain the bedding coef. ks and vertical spring factor kv ? thanks Genişletmek için tıkla ... Hello ammer Soil layers should be given to program for pile's analysis. Ks is depend on soil type, kv is given by some equations See about them on enclosed document, on page 6, figure 7B and following on pages 7, 8 ve 9.